Thursday, March 29, 2012

Game Review: Heavy Rain

Let's lay off with the anime review first, because MSMM isn't actually working as an interesting thing right now.So I decided to play Heavy Rain on my PS3

Some information on this game:
Genre: Interactive Drama, Psychological Thriller
Platforms: PS3 (ONLY!)

Description: Heavy Rain is an interactive drama psychological thriller video game created by Quantic Dream exclusively for the PlayStation 3. The game is written and directed by Quantic Dream's founder and CEO David Cage.Heavy Rain's story is a dramatic thriller modeled after film noir, featuring four protagonists involved with the mystery of the Origami Killer, a serial killer who uses extended periods of rainfall to drown his victims.
A Few Words:

This game is definitely the best in terms of story telling and making people to actually CRAVE for what's going to happen next.

Okay, I know this game is full of QTE's (Quick Time Events) but I can excuse that since the game actually made me listen to it's story instead of making me shut the damn PS3 down and rearrange the icons on my desktop.But that's the one problem here, it doesn't actually work as a game which gives off the actual entertainment, instead it works like a book for story telling.The QTE's and controlling the character is the only interaction you will do.

(This Contains SPOILERS)

Like what the plot said above in the description, You have protagonists involved in the mystery of the Origami Killer, and you play the role of a few of the MAIN characters.Which is kind of the games way to deliver to the story, is by playing through the perspectives of other characters.Which kinda explains it all by itself not like the anime Asura Cryin.Anyway, it presents itself neatly but it wont really entertain you if you are the kind of person who wants to go into action without listening to ANY explanations, plot.

Also, the game is a mystery but the problem is that the identity of the killer is always the same even though you picked different paths for the story to progress into and the MAIN problem is that, it's not a mystery when you already know the identity of the killer.But still with that, I just love how everything flows smoothly but shit does the start of the game bore you to death and it gives off the sense that something bad will happen to the family, RIGHT AHEAD, I said that you have every right to throw something away if it doesn't entertain you in the first 5 to 10 minutes of doing shit with it.

But as you progress through this game, you will most likely get sucked in because of the mystery and the story itself.I swear to god, You can try watching the walkthrough of this game on youtube and it will give you the feeling that Heavy Rain is a movie instead of a game.
Nitpicking Division (May Contain Spoilers)
Should be fucking awarded with the best DAD of the year.

2.Shelby (Major spoiler)
-Who would've thought that you are the origami killer

3.John Sheppard..
-Fuck, I remember mass effect...

4.Jayden's shades
-Whatever the hell that is, I WANT IT

5.Fuck that, don't do it Ethan!(Spoiler)
-there's a part in the game, where you have to cut one of your fingers in order to get more clue's to your sons address.Now, while mashing those buttons in that scene, it was one of the best moments because it kinda actually made me look at the side of the screen because I was expecting a gory fucking scene to happen.But it was just him screaming because his finger was cut off when I removed it, but still, Shaun should be a fucking good boy when he comes back home.

6.Madison Paige (Spoiler)
-Whatever the fuck did you do to yourself to fight off guys, IN YOUR UNDERWEAR, WHILE HAVING NO SLEEP is not fucking normal.But then, it was all a fucking dream, NO CONNECTION TO PLOT WHATSOEVER.Screw it...
1.Graphics 7/10 - It's not really the best graphics I've seen.Not like the colossal Crysis 2 wherein they have graphics that will blow your PC, Xbox 360, PS3 to shreds.Not really..

2.Plot 9/10 - Now now, the game has a well written story on it, it progresses smoothly and you don't need heavy explanations as to why, or what has happened.It's one of the reasons why the games industry today isn't really entertaining anymore, they just release another game cash-in without even caring about their games.They don't care about the name of their company, like....Activision, EA, and other stupid game creators out there.But I'm not really pointing out on all of the creations of EA and Activision.

3.Presentation 9/10 - This game is definitely one of the best in terms of "sucking me in with it's content". The natural feeling of dialogue and the natural voice acting.It fits in and it doesn't make the game look stupid like in other games where they just throw in random voice actors and random dialogue without giving a shit

4.Gameplay 7.5/10 - Now, if you're actually looking for "GAME-PLAY". Don't look here, because this game like what I said before is purely just telling a story like a book, and what you have to do is freaking press buttons and control the guy.Not really the action packed gibbering FPS game other people would hope for.But let's set that stuff aside, the gameplay of this GAME is purely just to present.So it has to work on sucking you in with the story and it did pretty well at that.Problem is the first part was surely boring, but it gets better after a while.

5.Sound 9/10 - Voice acting, effects and other crap is very good, although like IGN said about this game, some voice actors have that native tongue, but it's still very good even with that flaw in hand.

6. Lasting Appeal 6.5/10 - Definitely impossible to make me want to play this game again, like what I said.A mystery stays as a mystery if you don't know shit about it, right? Well the problem is that this game, even though you chose different paths for the game to progress into it will end up with the same origami killer.So you already fucking know what's gonna happen.But if you want to try different paths then sure you can do it.But it's not really that important, unless your hunting for trophies.
This game?
Pass, Average, Fail
Seeing that this game is purely on presentation and not on gameplay, I also saw that the games gameplay is purely helping the presentation standpoint.It's an entertaining game but the only problem is that it doesn't work as that kind of game.A normal game standpoint is purely to entertain right? But I like this game, because it did entertain me without doing that shit we say on COD4 MW1 and every other samey shitty COD.

I would definitely recommend this to you if you have a PS3.Play this before you die, stupid.It's a great game it has the story and sometimes it's like a movie instead of a game where you can just sit there and look at the cutscenes and hold that popcorn in your hands, but I can't fucking do that, the controller will be dirty.Fuck that.Anyway, on that point too, I noticed that this game is a lot fucking better that the other story based movie's I saw.My reaction was like..."What the fuck?"...(Lol)

So the verdict is that this game is definitely this game is a PASS, It has it's flaws but it still one of the best games ever made.
Recommended To:
1.Gamers who like a good story, without an awful lot of gaming
2.Gamers who PLAYED Fahrenheit(That's indigo prophecy for you if you're american)
3.Gamers who played a visual novel without the freedom of choice.
4.Gamers who want to lay off with the COD, Cryisis, GOH, NFS, and other games.

Well that's it.I'm done here...Err, anyway, the anime MSMM is going to be next, I'm sure of that.

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