Sunday, February 26, 2012

100 Laws Of The Anime Universe

So, many of the people who constantly watch anime practically knows that the word "Realism" and the word "ANIME" can't be in the same sentence (Except for some SOL anime's,but sometimes they still defy real world NORMS) So i might as well state the hundred laws of the anime universe.Note that these laws are ever growing and it might change in the near future, unless Haruhi destroys the future.

#1 - Law of Metaphysical Irregularity- The normal laws of physics do not apply.

#2 - Law of Differential Gravitation- Whenever someone or something jumps, is thrown, or otherwise is rendered airborne, gravity is reduced by a factor of 4.

* Some things have been known to "Float" for a few seconds before plummeting to hit
the ground, vehicle, or someone’s cranium.

#3 - Law of Sonic Amplification, First Law of Anime Acoustics- In space, loud sounds, like explosions, are even louder because there is no air to get in the way.

#4 - Law of Constant Thrust, First Law of Anime Motion- In space, constant thrust equals constant velocity.

#5 - Law of Mechanical Mobility, Second Law of Anime Motion- The larger a mechanical device is, the faster it moves, Armoured Mecha are the fastest objects known to human science.

#6 - Law of Temporal Variability- Time is not a constant. Time stops for the hero whenever he does something "cool" or "impressive". Time slows down when friends and lovers are being killed and speeds up whenever there is a fight.

#7 - First Law of Temporal Mortality- "Good Guys" and "Bad Guys" both die in one of two ways - either so quick they don’t even see it coming, OR it’s a long drawn out affair where the character gains much insight to the workings of society, human existence or why the toast always lands butter side down.

*NOTE: Sometimes, Anime heroes or villains never really die! In these rare cases they were a clone or cyborg and the real hero/villain’s suspiciously missing in "Malletspace", or something.

#8 - Second Law of Temporal Mortality- It takes some time for bad guys to die...  regardless of physical damage. Even when the "Bad Guys" are killed so quickly they don’t even see it coming, it takes them a while to realize they are dead. This is attributed to the belief that being evil damages the Reality Lobe of the brain.

#9 - Law of Dramatic Emphasis- Scenes involving extreme amounts of action are  depicted with either still frames or black screens with a slash of bright color (usually red or white).

#10- Law of Dramatic Multiplicity- Scenes that only happen once, for instance, a "Good Guy" kicks the "Bad Guy" in the face, are seen at least 3 times from 3 different angles.

#11- Law of Inherent Combustibility- Everything explodes. Everything. First Corollary- Anything that explodes bulges first. Second Corollary- Large cities are the most explosive substances known to human science. Tokyo in particular seems to be the most unstable of these cities, sometimes referred to as "The Matchstick City".

#12- Law of Phlogistatic Emission- Nearly all things emit light from fatal wounds.

#13- Law of Energetic Emission- There is always an energy build up (commonly referred to as an energy "bulge") before Mecha or space craft weapons fire. Because of the explosive qualities of weapons, it is believed that this is related to the Law of Inherent Combustibility.

#14- Law of Inverse Lethal Magnitude- The destructive potential of any object/organism is inversely proportional to its mass. First Corollary- Small and cute will always overcome big and ugly. Also known as the A-Ko phenomenon.

#15- Law of Inexhaustibility- No one *EVER* runs out of ammunition. That is of course unless they are cornered, out-numbered, out-classed, and unconscious.

#16- Laws of Inverse Accuracy- The accuracy of a "Good Guy" when operating any form of firearm increases as the difficulty of the shot increases. The accuracy of the "Bad Guys" when operating firearms decreases when the difficulty of the shot  decreases. (Also known as the Stormtrooper Effect) Example: A "Good Guy" in a drunken stupor being held upside down from a moving vehicle will always hit, and several battalions of "Bad Guys" firing on a "Good Guy" standing alone in the middle of an open field will always miss. First Corollary- The more "Bad Guys" there are, the less likely they will hit anyone or do any real damage. Second Corollary- Whenever a "Good Guy" is faced with insurmountable odds, the "Bad Guys" line up in neat rows, allowing the hero to take them all out with a single burst of automatic fire and then escape. Third Corollary- Whenever a "Good Guy" is actually hit by enemy fire, it is in a designated "Good Guy Area", usually a flesh wound in the shoulder or arm, which restricts the "Good Guy" from doing anything more strenuous than driving, firing weaponry, using melee weapons, operating heavy machinery, or doing complex martial arts maneuvers. *Fourth Corollary- The more times the "Bad Guy" fires, the fewer times he will hit.

#17- Law of Transient Romantic Unreliability- Minimei is a bimbo. (Note: The Minority Opposition in Ohio disagrees and thinks all men who like this stuff needs to get out more.)

#18- Law of Hemoglobin Capacity- the human body contains over 12 gallons of blood, sometimes more, under high pressure.

#19- Law of Demonic Consistency- Demons and other supernatural creatures have at least three eyes, loads of fangs, tend to be yellow-green or brown, but black is not unknown, and can only be hurt by bladed weapons. *Also, acid has been known to work  just as well...

#20- Law of Militaristic Unreliability- Huge galaxy-wide armadas, entire armies, and large war machines full of cruel, heartless, bloodthirsty warriors can be stopped and defeated with a single insignificant example of a caring/loving emotion or a song.
First Corollary- Whenever a single war machine (mecha, starship, etc.) goes up against an entire army, the army always loses.

#21- Law of Tactical Unreliability- Tactical geniuses aren’t...

#22 -Law of Inconsequential Undetectability- People never notice the little things... like missing body parts, or wounds the size of Seattle.

#23- Law of Juvenile Intellectuality- Children are smarter than adults. And almost twice as annoying.

#24- Law of Americanthromorphism- Americans in Anime appear in one of two roles, either as a really nasty skinny "Bad Guy" or a big stupid "Good Guy".
First Corollary- The only people who are more stupid than the big dumb Americans are the American translators. (Sometimes referred to as the Green Line Effect)
Second Corollary- The only people who are more stupid than the American translators are the American editors and censors.
Third Corollary- Canadians are usually portrayed as smart, strong, handsome "Good Guys".

#25- Law of Mandibular Proportionality- The size of a person’s mouth is directly proportional to the volume at which they are speaking or eating.

#26- Law of Feline Mutation- Any half-cat/half-human mutation will invariably:
1) be female.
2) will possess ears and sometimes a tail as a genetic mutation.
3) wear as little clothing as possible, if any.

#27- Law of Conservation of Firepower- Any powerful weapon capable of destroying/defeating an opponent in a single shot will invariably be reserved and used as a last resort.

#28- Law of Technological User-Benevolence- The formal training required to operate a spaceship or mecha is inversely proportional to its complexity.

#29- Law of Melee Luminescence- Any being displaying extremely high levels of martial arts prowess and/or violent emotions emits light in the form of a glowing aura. This aura is usually blue for "Good Guys" and red for "Bad Guys". This is attributed to Good being higher in the electromagnetic spectrum than Evil.

#30- Law of Non-Anthropomorphic Antagonism- All ugly, non-humanoid alien races are hostile, and usually hell-bent on destroying humanity for some obscure reason.

#31- Law of Follicular Chromatic Variability- Any color in the visible spectrum is considered a natural hair color. This color can change without warning or explanation.

#32- Law of Follicular Permanence- Hair in anime is pretty much indestructible, and can resist any amount of meteorological conditions, energy emissions, physical abuse, or explosive effects and still look perfect. The only way to hurt someone’s hair is the same way you deal with demons... with bladed weapons!

#34- Law of Probable Attire- Clothing in anime follows certain predictable guidelines: Female characters wear as little clothing as possible, regardless of whether it is socially or meteorologically appropriate. Any female with an excessive amount of clothing will invariably have her clothes ripped to shreds or torn off somehow. If there is no opportunity to tear off aforementioned female’s clothes, then she will inexplicably take a shower for no apparent reason (also known as the Gratuitous Shower Scene). Whenever there is a headwind, Male characters invariably wear long cloaks that don’t hamper movement and billow out dramatically behind them.
First Corollary (Cryo-Adaptability)- All anime characters are resistant to extremely cold temperatures, and do not need to wear heavy or warm clothing in snow.
Second Corollary (Indecent Invulnerability)- Bikinis render the wearer invulnerable to any form of damage.
*Third Corollary (Probable Attire permanence)- The clothing on the hero is indestructible. Their capes, robes, (and if they are girls,) skirts, dresses, bows, or any loose clothing will just flap when they are in the middle of a fire or ice attack... Unless it's a hentai. It is believed that the clothes are made out of Anime Character hair. (re. Laws 32 & 48)

#35- Law of Musical Omnipotence- Any character capable of musical talent (singing, playing an instrument, etc. Is automatically capable of doing much more "simple" things, like piloting mecha, fighting crime, stopping an intergalactic war, and so on. Especially if they’ve never attempted these things before.

#36- Law of Quintupular Agglutination- Also called "The Five-man Rule", when "Good Guys" group together, it tends to be in groups of five. There are five basic positions, which are:
1) The Hero/Leader
2) His Girlfriend
3) His Best Friend/Rival
4) A Hulking Brute
5) A Dwarf/Kid
Between these basic positions are distributed several attributes, which include:
1) Extreme Coolness
2) Amazing Intelligence
3) Incredible Irritation

#37- Law of Extradimensional Capacitance- All anime females have an extra dimensional storage space of variable volume somewhere on their person from which they can instantly retrieve any object at a moment’s notice. This mysterious dimension is commonly called "Malletspace". First Corollary (AKA The Hammer Rule)- The most common item stored is a heavy mallet, costumes/uniforms, power suits/armor, and large bazookas.

#38- Law of Hydrostatic Emission- Eyes tend to be rather large in Anime. This is because they contain several gallons of water, which may be instantaneously released at high pressure through large tear ducts. The actual volume of water contained in the eyes is unknown, as there is no evidence to suggest that these reservoirs are actually capable of running out. The reason water tends to collect in the eyes is because Anime characters only have one large sweat gland, which is located at the back of the head. When extremely stressed , embarrassed, or worried, this sweat gland exudes a single but very large drop of sebaceous fluid.

#39- Law of Inverse Attraction- Success at finding suitable mates is inversely proportionate to how desperately you want to be successful. The more you want, the less you get and vice-versa.
First Corollary- Unfortunately, this law seems to apply to Otaku in the real world.

#40- Law of Nasal Sanguination- When sexually aroused, males in Anime don’t get erections, they get nosebleeds. No one’s sure why this is, though. the current theory suggests that larger eyes means smaller sinuses and thinner sinus tissue (see Law #38 above). Females don’t get nosebleeds, but invariably get one heck of a blush along the cheeks and across the nose, suggesting a lot of bloodflow to that region.

#41- Law of Xylolaceration- Wooden or bamboo swords are just as sharp as metal swords, if not sharper.

#42- Law of Juvenile Omnipotence- Always send a boy to do a man’s job. He’ll get it done in half the time and twice the angst.

#43- Law of Triscaquadrodecophobia- There is no Law #43.

#44- Law of Nominative Clamovocation- the likelihood of success and damage done by a martial arts attack is directly proportional to the volume at which the full name of the attack is announced (known as the Kamehameha effect).

#45- Law of Uninteruptable Metamorphosis- Regardless of how long or involved the transformation sequence or how many times they’ve seen it before, any "Bad Guys" witnessing a mecha/hero/heroine transforming are too stunned to do anything to
interrupt it.

#46- Law of Flimsy Incognition- Simply changing into a costume or wearing a teensy mask can make you utterly unrecognizable to even your closest friends and relatives.

*#47- Law of Mandibular Combustible Emission- All anime characters seem to have some unknown chemical on their breath that reacts VERY violently with extremely hot or spicy food. This chemical may also be responsible for the phenomenon of fire behind the eyes and from the mouth when a character (usually a female) is really angry.

*#48- Law of Electrical and Combustible Survivalism- If you get electrocuted or burned, YOU WILL SURVIVE!! Though your entire body will be scorched, seconds later, your skin won’t have a trace of damage (Also known as the "Pikachu Effect").
First Corollary- When a magical bad guy/Alien/monster fires off a flame, wind, or ice attack, the resulting effect is only enough for the hero(es)/heroine(s) to be standing in the "Walking Against the Wind" stance, with his/her eyes shut and letting out a pathetic "Aaaaagh!", and yet they are never harmed. This may be in part to laws 32, 34 and sometimes 44.

*#49- Law of Female wrath- If a male character insults a female character, he will get a mallet, shotgun, or tank blast, or if she is a character that can perform magical feats, a fireball or whatever, to the head, body or whatever (Also known as the "Lina Inverse/Gourry Factor") This is because he always deserves it, and will help him to cope in today’s society. (>Sniff Sniff< So True!!)

*#50- Law of Artistic Perversion- Most (not all) Anime artists are perverts and are under the impression that girls are willing to tear off their clothes, or wear VERY small, revealing outfits at the drop of a pin (or pen for that matter). Unfortunately, most Hentai fans are under the same impression.

*#51- Law of Uninteruptable Nominative Clamovocation- This law is a mixture of Laws 44 and 45. Regardless of how long or involved the Spell or projectile attack is, and the likelihood of success and damage done by the volume at which the full name of the attack is announced, or how many times they’ve seen it before, any "Bad Guys" witnessing a hero/heroine quoting the incantations for an extremely powerful attack are too stunned to do anything to interrupt it. (Also known as the "Dragon Slave Phenomenon")

*52- Law of Telepathic Obliviousness- Most of the time, some Anime characters (usually males) will think personal (Like that he/she has sabotaged something), or perverted thoughts, while near some other character, WHO’S TELEPATHIC!! The reasons for this are:
1) They forgot that the person is telepathic.
2) They just don’t give a damn.
The reasons the telepathic person doesn’t react are:
1) They’re preoccupied with doing something else.
2) They’d rather keep the fact to themselves that they are Telepathic.
3) They just don’t give a damn.

+#53- Law of Chromatic Diversity- Air can be any color of the viewable spectrum.

+#54- Law of Old Man Comic Relief- Comic relief comes in the form of a short, bald, wise-mouthed dirty old man or alien. Or the combination of any two of those traits. First Corollary- If old man is present, and is acting too horny, stupid, etc., there will invariably be an old woman to whap him over the head with a frying pan or something.

+#55- Law of the Wise Old Man- Little old Japanese men always know how it ends and withhold the ending from anyone, especially the hero. This includes special power weapons, ancient relics, and people who know everything.

+#56- Law of Omnipotent Unreliability- Any "Bad Guy" with Omnipotent powers/weapons will never use those powers/weapons against the "Good Guy" until it is too late.
First Corollary- All "Bad Guys" suffer from Antagonistic Boasting Syndrome which require all "Bad Guys" to threaten with or exemplify their prowess and not use it against the "Good Guy".
Second Corollary- No "Bad Guy" may use any new, secret, or superior military device without one of the following events occurring:
a) The control device being broken. The control device being taken by the "Good Guy".
c) The control device is in fact not the real device at all and was just "fooled" by the "Good Guy".
d) The "Bad Guy" has already lost and cannot use the device.

+#57- Law of Minimum Corneal Volume- Eyeballs may make up no less than one sixth of the face’s total surface area. More so if the case is a blonde woman.

+#58- Law of Electrical Charges in Hair- Hair attracts electricity in abundance, resulting in two outcomes:
a) A positive charge will result in the spikes-flying-everywhere-behind-me look. A negative charge will result in the hair-cascading-down-to-the-waist-in-a-single-sheet look.

+#59- Law of Ammunition Accuracy- When there are multiple types of ammunition available (paintballs, speaker pods), non-lethal rounds will always be more accurate when compared to "standard" or lethal shots. (Macross Plus for paintballs, Macross 7 for speaker pods)

+#60- Law of Active Female Attraction- In a comedy series, a male character’s attractiveness to women is inversely proportional to how active they pursue them. (Tenchi, Ranma, and Makoto [OVA] have a seemingly endless supply of willing girlfriends despite their lack of romantic skill while Happosai, Ataru, and Carrot couldn’t get a date despite [or because of] their constant attempts.)

+#61- Law of Sweat Pore Variability- When a person is embarrassed, caught in an awkward situation, or otherwise humiliated, all sweat pores on the body contract, except for ones on the forehead. These pores expand to such a degree that a single drop could fill a Big Gulp from 7-11.

+#62- The Law of Inverse Training Time- A person who has been training for 3 years is never as good as someone who has been training for one month.

+#63- Law of Needs to Few and Many- The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few or even the one.

+#64- Law of Bad Humor- Whenever someone says something that is intended to be funny, whether actually funny or not, the rest of the characters (even animals) fall to the ground with their feet in the air. Sweat sometimes accompanies the fall. *(The sound of a cow mooing usually accompanies the joke as well.)

+#65- Law of Extreme Anger- Whenever a female character gets mad, such as seeing the male character with another girl, she becomes extremely strong (despite her usually helpless look) so that she can lift a 1000 ton object to hurt the guy. She can sometimes perform other punishments that are just as cruel such as pinching the guy’s face so hard that it changes shape. *(see law #49)

+#66- Law of Differentiated Gravitation-
First Corollary- If the airborne entity exceeds an altitude equal or greater than two times the height of the entity, gravity is decreased by an inverse coefficient relative to the upward momentum and mass/weight (if within at least 500 km of any gravity source) of the entity "jumping".
Second Corollary- The amount of Newtonian "opposite force" (in accordance to normal downward velocity; "Earth gravity" speed is equal to 32ft/sec/sec) is also inversely proportional to the "actual" speed of the airborne entity. In all actuality, an entity that appears to be flying towards a solid concrete parking lot from space will actually land, producing an opposite force of approximately 1.73 lb.
of pressure. Unless this particular entity is a "Bad Guy". Then the law exhibits a mysterious exponentially proportional Newtonian opposite force, thusly increasing this variable by a factor equal to the inverse-gravity potential.

+#67- Law of Conservation of Ambient Dramatic Tension- In any situation where the Ambient Dramatic Tension increases, the "Good Guy’s" Style Coefficient must be increased by a proportional amount to compensate. In any situation where this does not happen, the "Bad Guy" inevitably comes out on top. However, this usually leads to a further rise in the Ambient Dramatic tension, which will *always* be offset by an exponential increase in the "Good Guy’s" Style Coefficient.

+#68- Law of Coercive Vehicular Control- No matter how complex or well defined the control system, a character controlling a vehicle of any sort always does so through means of undetectable subconscious psychokinesis.
First Corollary- Characters can perform actions with their vehicles which clearly defy normal physics (see Laws of Metaphysical Irregularity and Constant Thrust). The velocity, attitude and traction of the vehicle appear to be adjusted at will, with the degree of absolute control being proportional to the complexity and lethality of the maneuver.
Second Corollary- It is effectively impossible to remove characters from or disrupt the passage of their vehicles without the character’s consent. This does not always apply to "Bad Guy" characters, or "Good Guy" characters in situations where the Ambient Dramatic Tension could increase in accordance with the Law of Conservation of Ambient Dramatic Tension.

+#69- Amendment to the Law of Conservation of Ambient Dramatic Tension- In any situation where the Ambient Dramatic Tension increases without a corresponding increase in the "Good Guy’s" Style Coefficient, not only does the "Bad Guy" usually come out on top, but also his Smugness Factor increases in proportion to the rise in Ambient Dramatic Tension.

+#70- Law of The Rushing Background Effect- Whenever something dramatic occurs, a survival instinct engages, thus rendering all incoming stimulus that is not directly and immediately to the dramatic situation at hand a meaningless blur. This is often referred to as "The Rushing Background Effect". Due to the increase in brain activity and adrenaline levels in the bloodstream, the scene is often played out in slow motion.

+#71- Law of Interdimensional Hammers- Whenever a female character witnesses a male character of her preference performing any sort of questionable act (i.e. Looking at another girl or anything she might construe as perverted) she can reach into an interdimensional realm (usually behind her back) and withdraw a huge Anime Mallet of Doom with which to whack the said male over the head with. *(see Laws # 37, 49, and 65)

+#72- Law of Instant Band-Aids- Whenever a character is injured (usually in a head shot, maybe from a mallet whack) Band-Aids will always instantly appear on the wounded individual (and always in pairs, set in a cross fashion). These bandages will then, most likely, disappear by the character’s next scene.

+#73- Law of Universal Edge Defense- Any projectile attack, from a blast of magic to a hail of bullets, can be easily defended against by holding a suitably cool-looking sword or other bladed weapon between the attacker and defender, usually so that the edge cuts into the incoming attack(s), causing both halves to go flying harmlessly past the defender. Observed most often in fantasy and martial arts anime.

+#74- Law of Intractable Sanity- There is no such thing as insanity in anime. When faced with horrifying supernatural forces that would drive most men mad, anime characters will either:
a) Die quickly (but in accordance with all other laws [e.g., slowdown and
Get possessed by them, especially if they are beautiful girls or men in a
position to ravish beautiful girls, or
c) Kill them, wipe the blood off their blades, and walk on whistling.

+#75- Law of Celestial Body Control- At a dramatically correct moment, a hero can summon a sun/moon/halo to appear behind him/her to cause a dramatic silhouette.

+#76- Law of Aura of Forgetfulness- Any hero who wishes his/her identity to remain a secret will invariably succeed regardless of disguise because everyone around him/her will forget everything. Otherwise, how does Sailor Moon keep her disguise?

+#77- Law of Cool Hair Factor- The hair of a hero will always coalesce into thick strands that drape his face into a dramatic fashion, regardless of wind, the elements, etc. *(see Laws 32 & 48)

+#78- Law of Inverse Coping- Any single event will happen to the ONE character LEAST capable of dealing with it.

*#79- Law of Martial Arts Training Invulnerability- The Myth that certain martial arts will enable you to become so strong, that you can stop a nuclear warhead with your bare palm. Unfortunately, for most otaku, they found the hard way that it just doesn’t work in real life.

*#80- Law of Stereotype Captain characteristics- If a captain of any type of ship is male, he will invariably wear a big captain’s cap, a long overcoat, and have a shaggy beard and mustache (pipe optional), and be a great tactician. If the captain is female, however, she will invariably be young, well endowed, and ditzy as a pole (horny father optional). Yet, she too will be a great tactician.

*#81- Law of Shades/Coolness Factor- Shades can make you instantly cool, even if you’re normally a klutz.

*#82- Law of Hentai Plot- The proper response to any change in the plotline of a Hentai anime is to start having sex.

*#83- Law of Understatement- Anything that is deemed too impossible will become possible.
First Corollary- Any "Bad Guy" stating "T-that’s impossible!" whenever the hero is accomplishing some new feat/move/projectile will find out too late that he is wrong and will invariably be toastied.

*#84- Law of Dormant Powers- Anytime a hero is somehow outpowered and/or outclassed by the villain, he will invariably release powers/new moves he never knew he could accomplish. but his old teacher did!

*#85- Law of Style Coefficient- In a situation where a Good guy may be in dire straits, he will become stronger, smarter and more cool in a matter of seconds. (see Laws #67, 69, and 84)

*#86- Law of Bad Guy Smugness Factor- Whenever the villain actually succeeds in beating the hero, they will begin to gloat uncontrollably, because they’ve never won against the "Good Guy" (because they’re Eeeviiil!!). They usually get so cocky, they tie the hero to a conveyor belt leading to his doom and leave to get a snack. Usually this results in:
a) The hero escaping.
Clean-up for the underlings.
c) The villain getting toastied.

*#87- Law of Tableware Nonexistence- There IS no spoon.

*#88- Law of Goofy Turn-Ons- In Hentai, ordinary , pedestrian objects sometimes have the magical power of either inducing orgasm or arousal. Some include warm water, rolling on a smooth tabletop, wind, mild electrocution, the character toweling themselves after a bath/shower, and very cold objects... like bottles of 7-up.

*#89- Law of Penile Variance- All Anime men in Hentai have a ridiculously large penis (lengths of 8, 9, 10 and 11 inches are most common). Some even have ones the size of telephone poles, despite the blood loss that would accompany it.

*#90-Law of Hentai Female Characteristics- All Hentai women have the following characteristics:
1) Very sensitive and/or very large breasts with large nipples.
2) Very tight and/or sensitive vaginas.

*#91- Law of Vaginal Variance- Hentai Anime women can take penis lengths of 8" and up. Completely. despite the fact that they might have a tight and/or sensitive vagina.

*#92- Law of Hero Identification- All heroes are introduced by way of appearance while someone talking about their (in)famous-ness, or by way of a voice-over of them introducing themselves.

*#93- Law of Cute Mascots- Any anime either Shojo or Shonen has GOT to have at least one cute, furry little mascot by penalty of death!
First Corollary- If it is a Shonen Anime, the hero will be accompanied by a Dog, Cat or any kind of animal, real or fake, that would be found with a hero of the male persuasion. Any animal that would be associated with girls that is following
him around is there because:
1) It’s his girlfriend’s.
2) It is following him, despite his insistence not to do so.
3) Chicks will dig him more.
Second Corollary- If it is a Shojo Anime, the heroine will be accompanied by a cat, cute lil’ mouse, or some disgustingly cute monster, or any kind of animal, real or fake, that would be found with a hero of the female persuasion. Any animal that would be associated with guys that is following her around is there because:
1) It’s her boyfriend’s.
2) It is following her, despite her insistence not to do so.
3) It makes her look cool.

*#94- Law of The Force- Most Anime heroes are blessed with a unique sort of ability that enables bad things to happen to those that deserve it or makes things like bullets or debris totally miss them (Also referred to as "Dumb Luck"), even though they are mostly unaware of it. Those who have this ability include Vash the Stampede, Captain Justy Ueki Tylor, and Jar Jar Binks.

*#95- Law of Naughty Tentacles- All Anime Tentacles are VERY horny and will rape any human female, regardless of age ("She’s 18! No! Really, she is! I’m not lying!.")
First Corollary- Even when raped or molested by tentacles, Hentai Anime girls eventually get into it & begin squealing in ecstasy. NO one knows WHY this is, but some theorize there may be some kind of chemical that is secreted through the skin of the tentacle.
Second Corollary- Women who are impregnated by a tentacle creature never experience morning sickness, and also find it to be intensely pleasurable (Also known as the Goofy Meter Redline Effect).
Third Corollary- Similarly, the resulting... offspring of tentacle/human relations is immediately sexually active, often impregnating its own mother again.

*#96- Law of Cat-Fighting- Two females with a grudge can and will go at each other, sometimes ripping off clothes. Sometimes it escalates so much, that property damage begins to occur.
First Corollary- A running fight can be so destructive, you can follow it from a distance just by watching for the smoke. (Also known as the "A-ko/B-ko Thing")

*#97- Law of Healing- Most anime heroes have a Wolverine-like healing factor that enables them to regenerate from a massive wound or broken bone within minutes. Being immortal sometimes helps. (Also known as the "Priss Effect".)

*#98- Law of Stereotype Crew Characteristics- All ships, either waterborne or spaceborne, have the following crew members:
1) The captain
2) His Lieutenant
3) Various female technical staff
4) A hotshot pilot
5) A cute little girl/twins (either stowaways or not)
6) The Doctor
7) The Doctor’s assistant (either a spy or not)
Weighted among the crew are various quirks which include:
1) Extreme coolness/luck
2) Amazing Intelligence
3) Incredible irritation
4) Extreme cuteness
5) Irresponsible drunkenness
6) Homophobicness
7) Emotionless (Idiots.)

*#99- Law of Sparklies- Whenever a character of the main character’s interest appears, flowers, sparkles, or abstract circles of pastel colors appear around said character, or both. Roses with exaggerated thorns appear when it is dangerous love. No one knows why this is, though most have a theory: Anime characters are freaks! At least, Marker Apenname seems to think so.

*#100- Law of Anime Events- Much like wrestling, anything and everything can happen.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Anime Review:Seitokai No Ichizon

............Hey there, 2 anime reviews in the same week?...Whatever *sigh*

Information On This Anime:
Alternative Titles: Seitokai no Ichizon: Hekiyou Gakuen Seitokai Gijiroku; It’s Student Council’s Judgment
TV Series, 12 episodes
2 Oct 2009 to 18 Dec 2009
Age rating:
PG-13 – Teens +13
The members of the student council of Hekiyou Gakuen are chosen by a popularity vote. As a result, all the members are cute girls except for Sugisaki Ken, who studied hard to enter the council. The story features the endless chattering of the members with full of parodies of “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya”, “Dragon Ball”, “Death Note” etc.
Genres: Comedy, Romance, Slice of life, Harem, School,
A Few Words: should i put this...Hmmm, as some of you would know that when an anime has a genre combination of school+comedy+slice of life, you'll end up having either a set of characters and a table and a topic for whatever it is that is supposed to be talked about.That would sound like a cavalcade of boring anime's but no.
The only thing that would actually help the anime remove that stench of boringness is if you spice it up a little.I think this anime was compensating for the pure lack of plot but by anime gods did this anime OVERCOMPENSATE for that lack of plot.And yes this anime is just pure mindless cavalcade of comedy,ecchi thoughts,yaoi thoughts,yuri thoughts and other things that could spice up an anime and also PARODIES of such great anime's that will be pointed out later at the nitpicking division.

Well i might as well say that this anime is for those who watched TONS OF ANIME'S.Yes and i mean tons of them.It's because if your a beginner in the anime world, I would expect that your the kind of person who digs that ACTION SCENE right off the bat and you wouldn't appreciate the comedy and most likely the slice of life genre of the anime world.Also if you watched tons of anime highlights like say TMOHS,Death Note,TTGL,K-On,Lucky Star,Dragon Balls,Higurashi,Strik Witches, you will most likely get the reference they are making.And also(Again) i suggest that you get familiar with the anime terms but most likely you are already familiar with those terms.
Comments/Thoughts Or More Likely, The Nitpicking Division Of This Review:
[Those other comments with the parentheses with the word "Episode" might somewhat spoil,But i guess you'll read it anyway]

1.RIGHT OFF THE BAT! (Episode 1)

2.NOOO,YAOI!!! (Episode 1)
-My eyes they buuurnnnn

3.Oh..My God...(Episode 1)
-Did this anime just reference each one of my favorite anime's?! BEST FANSERVICE EVER!

4.Higurashi?! (Episode 1)

5.YU-GI-OH?! (Episode 2)

6.DEATH NOTE?! (Episode 2)

7.Was she about to do a haruhi-line and haruhi-pose?! (Episode 2)
-I dunno,She said something about taking over the world and she kinda looked like haruhi for a second right there

8.Index and Baka TEST?! (Episode 3)

-F*CK THIS....



12.Xbox?! (Episode 4) kinda looks deformed...


14.Wait a minute....(Episode 6)
-The only characters i knew who wore bunny girl costumes at the
front of their school gate...F*CK IT'S HARUHI AND MIKURU!



17.Oh,i wish...(Episode 7)
-That i can bring all of my gaming neccesities with me.And also ALL MY MUSIC neccesities with me

18.A false bottom...(Episode 7)

19.De gesu? (Episode 7)
-was that a reference to Ika Musume?

20.Forced him to the dark side?! (Episode 8)
-And whatever the hell happened to the math problem you were giving

-MY EYES....

-T.T i need to watch this anime

-In under 5 minutes (I know it's not exactly 5 minutes but shut up)

-Damn it! I WANNA KNOW


26.WTF?! KEY?! (Episode 12)
-F*ck i remember those games i played...



(Excuse me but...I went all out there cuz, this is the type of anime is one of my favorites)
Ratings On This Anime:
[Scoring:1 = YOU FAIL/Eeh? I only saw a quarter of fanservice(the 2nd sentence is for fanservice ratings)
               2 = MEH!/I guess there's not much fanservice
               3 = A Shrug/Hmmm,THERE IS! Fanservice
               4 = Somewhat it's kinda good/Woopsy daisy that's fanservice alright
               5 = Average/Okay, Currently looking at more fanservice scenes
               6 = Good/That's a daily dosage of fanservice 
               7 = GOOD! *Interested Eyes*/MORE FANSERVICE!
               8 = Very good/MUCH MORE FANSERVICE
             10 =PERFECT, NOW GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE I DIE OF AWESOMENESS/I think I'm swimming in my own blood....That came out from my nose...     


2.Artwork 10/10 - Well just imagine that the artwork is a pile of good jello.Now take your spoon and OPEN WIDE (Eat it...not any other meaning...damn it)

3.OP Song 7.5/10 - Can i ask somebody that the title sequence.Yeah that sequence where they show the title.The color of the letters kinda look like TWGOK.Anyway as for this OP song,I guess it kinda worked out.But i guess i liked it and that's what REALLY MATTERS.(Okay, I guess not so shut up)
  ED Song 7/10 - I guess i liked the childish song,It works well with the anime being light hearted as it is.

4.Animation 7/10 - *AGAIN* Well don't expect some epic fight scene animation because this is a SOL genre anime

5.Concept N/A - *ARM FLAIL AGAIN* Oh look at me! I'm an SOL genre anime.I don't have ANY concept ratings blah-deh-blah

6.Fanservice 3/10 - Hmmm,not actually that much of fanservice was shown.

7.Comedy In It: 8/10 - SOL anime's depend on comedy or even romance to spice it up,And again like an SOL anime it did a good job of making me LAUGH

8.Romance In It: 3/10 - Can we really call that romance? Err...I dunno anymore
OP Song
 ED Song

So This Anime
Pass , Average , Fail
  PASS, Indeed this anime cannot be based upon whatever story it tells because whatever story it tells will be disregarded, and there's no story at all.So it will be based upon whether or not it entertained you or not and if it made you laugh or not.

And yes, Yes it did make me laugh and it also entertained me and it made me watch 10 episodes continously and it made me finish it within 2 and a half days TOPS.And i always loved those references they make which made me LOVE IT MORE.But i guess some people are asking for what negative parts i can say for this anime, Well if your a plot loving bastard you might as well not watch this unless you can get out of your plot loving bubble and watch anime's without any plot.

Uhm, Aside from the lack of plot.I can't think of anymore negative parts.
Advised To:
1.People who watched a lot of anime's
2.People who like anime's with a lot of references
3.People who don't love plot
4.People who like comedy
5.People who love harem
6.People who love a crazy set of characters
 What this anime has taught me:

FRIENDS!!! god damn it...FRIENDS!! what is it with anime's and the word FRIENDS!! It tries to tell people to get a life and have some FRIENDS!! But holy sh*t, I don't really mind having no friends or anything.I know i know, next time I'll get some friends.
Some Pictures:

Link To This Anime:

Anyway...That's all for now

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Anime Review:Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai

Damn,I guess this anime holds a record for the LONGEST anime title.Wait wait wait, before i start this review.First find a wall and punch it really hard.And now i guess you are in a state of pain in your freaking hand.Now that's what i want you to feel if you even say that this anime is one of the "WORST" or "UNORIGINAL" or "LAME" Again lets get on with this review.

Information On This Anime:
Title: Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai(We still don't know the name of that flower we saw that day)
Type: TV
Year: 2011
Status: Complete
Six childhood friends grew apart in high school. One of them is Jintan, now a shut-in. He gets a request to fulfill a wish for Menma, the only one of their friends to have stayed the same over the years. In order to grant her wish, he will have to find and reunite their old friends.

Genres: Drama,
A Few Words:
-Well sh*t,I'm a loss for words over here.I guess at first i again misjudged the anime for having the genre being "Drama" and if your a frequent reader,You know that i don't have a good deal with the genre of Drama.But this anime sucked me in,I guess it's easy for me to lower my standards but no.I think i didn't lower my standards in any way here.

Anyways, I suppose i can say this has got to be one of the best anime's I've seen,The plot is not like the one with "Asura-Cryin-Plot-Syndrome" where at the middle of everything, everything gets a little bit clusterfucked and you need some explanations for it.Also may i say that if your not the type of person who can relate to stuff, I guess this anime might work but it might not.Kind of like a 50-50 chance over here.

So throughout the whole anime I've been feeling that heavy in the inside kind of feeling.But throughout the whole anime I can god damn relate to the freaking characters.Because i too have lost a friend, anyways the anime's idea for the concept of it was very very original.Instead of just lashing out some 2 characters in-love with each other, what you get is a group of friends.But i thought just a group of friends couldn't really make a "DRAMA" but holy sh*t did they move my heart at the very end.

Yes call me a soft bastard but it's a drama, what the hell do you expect? a freaking laugh at the end?...
Also at the eleventh episode(SPOILER) Where all of them said there selfish thoughts.Now that's another part of losing a loved one.You kinda cover it up with stuff and now it builds up try to get you.
Comments/Thoughts Or More Likely, The Nitpicking Division Of This Review:
[Those other comments with the parentheses with the word "Episode" might somewhat spoil,But i guess you'll read it anyway]
1.That OP....

2.Wha...?..(Episode 1)
-Nobody can see her?...and she's a hallucination of the main char?..AND SHE'S DEAD?!

3.Was he going to STRIP!? (Episode 2)

4.The dog...(Episode 2)
CAN SEE HER?!...okaaaay...

5.Nokemon? (Episode 2)
-You mean Pokemon right?

6.One question...(Episode 2)
-If she's a hallucination,Then how the hell did she just eat that meat from the real world?!

7."It's like puke" (episode 3)
-Well that's an appropriate sentence when your gonna eat that food

8.Damn,He was crossdressi..(Episode 4)*t...

9.Theres a reason why you should never act like a slutty high-school-girl (Episode 5)
-Now,you have to pay the price.Unless you can kick someones ass that is.

10.It takes courage..(Episode 6)
-To stand up in the middle of a lecture and defend your friend who's been wrongly judged by classmates and saying your reasons while the class...and at the teacher....

11.Oh no (episode 8)
-Theres nothing worse than a mother who lost her child who is currently CRYING.MAKE HER STOP....

12.That problem
-WHERE YOU THINK THAT MENMA IS NOT AROUND.Heres a solution you idiots, How about you make menma move an object,Since i saw her eat something from the real world maybe she can move stuff,SINCE SHE CAN! and ITS ACTUALLY SHOWN IN SOME PARTS OF THE ANIME.

13.Eerrr....(Episode 8)
-He's bald?!, I didn't even know sh*t until he took that thing on his head.

-PROBLEM SOLVED! Somebody finally thought about menma writing something just to prove that she's there.THANK FREAKING ANIME GODS FOR THAT

15.She snapped (Episode 10)
-And that is why a person can only be strong for so long.But once she/he snaps just let him/her be.

16.The heck? (Episode 10)
-Suddenly everybody confesses their true feelings

17.Heaven (Episode 10)
-Eerr? Is that right? Where you get reincarnated and your religion is catholic?...eerr..I thought only Islams were the only one who had that belief.

-What kind of firework is that thing?...

19.You've Gone and Done It YOU FREAKING ANIME! (EPISODE 11)
-I was enduring never to release any tears during the freaking anime but no,NO!...This anime...T.T sh*t...
Ratings On This Anime:
1.Story 8.5/10 - Not the very best story you can see out there but it gets the job done alright.And not confusing in any way.Just plain straight and clear.

2.Artwork 10/10 - I like how it resembles HOTD,BECAUSE IT DOES.Or somewhat it reminds of Toradora too.Anyway the artwork is very good,Well proportioned bodies and they actually had noses.I thought the anime industry is never going to change their ways with the "No-Nose-Policy".

3.OP Song 9/10 - Definitely perfect for the anime, as a theme for an anime with childhood friends and other stuff.It really fits the spot for the opening of every episode.
   ED Song 8.3/10 - And another one that fits that spot for the ED song.Slow yet good,It's slow but it's music in the ears.

4.Animation 8/10 - This anime didn't really need the heavy animations that other anime's have.But again, at least it gets the job done.

5.Concept 10/10 - The idea for the anime is really original with the spirit being a girl who needs to get to heaven but requires her wish to be granted to get there.Seriously at the first time i heard about that.I thought it was a bad idea to have a character like that.But it turns out that you can do large stuff with small pieces.

6.Fanservice N/A - Absolutely no fanservice was shown on this anime.And I MEAN NO FANSERVICE.

7.Drama in it 10/10 - Definitely,I can call a "Drama" a drama when it can actually relate the characters to the viewers.And i can call it a drama when you can actually move the hearts of the viewer.
OP Song
 ED Song

So This Anime?
Pass , Average , Fail
It's definitely a PASS,aside from the fact that it did it's JOB of being a DRAMA genre.It had an appropriate ENDING.Not just a freaking slap in the face where you have all the characters sobbing at the very end.NO! They actually tried to build-up the sequences for the final epic blow.

But in all seriousness,If you can easily relate to stuff then i suggest that if your going to watch this anime, you should get a freaking handkerchief or a tissue box to wipe off your tears at some scenes.
Advised To:
1.People who are still confused on what they're supposed to do when they lost a loved one
2.People who can easily relate to stuff
3.People who like drama
4.People who love a good anime
5.People who love a good ENDING
6.People who love anime's which they can cry to
What this anime has taught me:
-This anime taught me that GROWING UP SUCKS! did you know that feeling when you were a kid like you could do anything? even when its beyond your reach? yeah that feeling.And now that your a grown up you know all the bitterness of the TRUTH.Which is like a hard slap on the face and a punch in the stomach when you remember the old days where you can imagine and make it happen even when its crappy.You can actually view it like a masterpiece.(I know this anime didn't really show me that, but it made me realize)

Oh and it also taught me that when you grow up with friends and then you change,If they are your real friends, even when you change they are still there.EVEN when you change.
Some Pictures:

Link To The Anime:
Just realized...I reviewed two anime's with spirits in it...

Well that's all guys..

Friday, February 17, 2012

Anime Review:Asura Cryin'

Well,To the fans of this anime,and to those who voted this anime to be reviewed.I THANK YOU,Seriously.Let me elaborate.

Information On This Anime:
Related Anime:
Sequel: Asura Cryin’ 2
Type: TV Series, 13 episodes
Year: 2 Apr 2009 to 25 Jun 2009
Age rating: PG-13 – Teens +13
Tomo was a school kid with just one problem: he had a ghost friend for a while. One day, his life is turned upside down as his world changes into a new one, one which he couldn’t imagine before.

Genres: Action, Supernatural, Mecha, School,
A Few Words
-I can say this anime is rather awesome,I know it lacks the epic story for those PLOT lovers out there.But at least the anime tried to be EPIC despite this lack of linear story.At the sight of that plot summary up there,I said to myself "Well this is gonna be another boring anime",This b*tch proved me wrong! Its actually pretty good.Rather than being another usual MECHA and ACTION anime,It spiced things up with its own terms that even I sometimes didn't get.

But despite those great things,I spotted some things that kinda irked me on the way to the final episode.Like why is it that too many things happen in one episode and it confused me.
Also things got a little bit clusterf*cked at episode 7.But things catched up a little so i didn't made a big deal out of there.But the priceless part was the ending.(Spoiler),At the end the spirit of the 1st student council died,and i guessed halfway through the anime that these asura machina's use the remaining power of the spirit.
And the main guy shouted "WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME?!" and what i said is "Because you didn't listen to Ms.Demon Girl over there"

But i seriously look forward to reviewing the second season and WATCHING the second season of this anime.Despite the clusterf*cks that happen.

Thoughts And Comments On This Anime:
 Asura Cryin'
1.First,and foremost...
-WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SCHOOL!? You don't have student councils that twisted

-I mean Asura Machina or whatever the hell you call that.

3.Spirits (Somewhat spoiling)
-So,they are sacrifices for those bots?

4.Those girls.
-Badass indeed

5.WHAT THE?! (Episode 7)
-RYOKO ASAKURA?!..Oh,Her name is Haruna..

6.That cyborg chick
-Is she the replacement for megaman?...

7.(Episode 7)
-So those guys were from a plane accident,and that blue haired guy didn't even mention that he was a passenger of that plane?!?

8.Another atmosphere breaker (episode 8)
-When things get serious,you just need a few bad lucks on that jerk,stingy guy to remove that seriousness.

9.That Nee-Sama of yours (Episode 9)
-Freaked me out with that f*cking face of hers...

10.What the hell was that laugh? (Episode 9)
-Seriously,that voice actor for that yellow haired guy is priceless

11.Nice guitar playing dudeee (Episode 9)
-Also a nice way to freaking stab the president,and seriously how does he still live with that kind of stabs?

-Why is it that some of the guys in this anime,Have that long strands of hair??

13.You know what?
-Haruna looks like ryoko asakura from TMOHS

14.THE MATRIX!! (Episode 11)

15.That prize of yours (Episode 11)
-My..god...==" what the hell did i just see..

16.Faa..faa..faa.faanseeerviceeeeeeeee (Episode 12)
-That was surprisingly unexpected

17."Promise me something,Don't fight again and don't use the powers of the asura machina"
-Damn,dietlinde wilcke comes to mind...

18.JUST AS I FREAKING THOUGHT! (Episode 13) (Spoiler)
Ratings On This Anime:
1.Story 8.5/10 - It was trying to tell a story,I got the message but i disregarded that because of the epicness of the anime itself.Also i didn't even mind to get the story because everything is just there.You just need to understand it.But that plot twist at the end is....Priceless indeed....Awesome indeed..
2.Artwork 8/10 - I liked the character artworks but sometimes their faces look kinda off when they turn to their sides

3.OP Song 8.5/10 - Definitely liked this one,It just fits at that ending part during the (SPOIL) plane landing scene
   ED Song 7/10 - Eeerrr.....Too slow? i guess?

4.Animation 9.5/10 - At last a CG'ed robot in an anime,where the coloring,the looks,and HOW IT LOOKS actually FIT in the anime.Instead of those plastic LIKE CG'ed cars on other anime's,Also smooth fight scenes with those CG'ed bots *HATS OFF SIR*

5.Concept 10/10 - Very original,The idea for robots and spirits and those demons is a VERY ORIGINAL idea.

6.Fanservice 2/10 - Very little fanservice will be shown in this anime,And the only fanservice i saw was at episode 12

7.Action In It 8/10 -Hmmm,I guess the fight scenes was sometimes Epic and sometimes GOOD.
OP Song
 ED Song
So This Anime?
Pass , Average , Fail
  Of course its a PASS,Why else would i watch it's season 2 if its a fail?
So this part i guess someone is going to ask as to why it's a pass,Well i guess my reason for it is because it tried to be different,And at least it didn't look like R+V(Rosario + Vampire)

Why you say? well Rosario + Vampire's characters didn't really had any reason to be there.Not like here in AC' they had reasons as to why they were doing those things.

 Advised To:
1.Those who like Mecha anime's
2.Those who don't really anticipate fanservice
3.Those who like some good action genre anime
What This Anime Has Taught Me:

It sure as sh*t taught me to ask things precisely,I don't want the same thing happening to me like that moment in the ending.
Also it taught me that when you make a promise,Just stick with it,Or else being guilty will get to you.
Some Pictures:

Link To The Anime
While I'm on this,Can i ask why is the student council like that?!

Well that's all for now guys


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