Thursday, January 19, 2012

Anime's With Episodes Over 100 (Rant #3)

Seriously when will people stop sending me e-mails to review Naruto,Fairytail,One Piece and Bleach?
you guys do realize that if i reviewed those anime's all you'll get from that is a freaking HATE REVIEW.

Okay okay,i said HATE REVIEW without even describing as to why i hate it.
But if you are a frequent reader of this page you already know the answer to that.And of course the sole reason is because it's long.

I probably know what you are saying right now. *Ehem*
"Digitalpheer you inconsiderate prick!,how could you,An anime lover hate on something as great as those four Anime's?"I would reply in a same way that a cop gets mad when his donut box gets empty.

And the reason is this.An anime doesn't need a long chain of episodes just to say a GREAT story.Clannad was great in terms of story with only 24 episodes in season 2 right? although Clannad didn't really do good in its ending.But shut up i'm making a point here.An anime with over 100 episodes just gets too long and annoying and also when the writers can't really think of new elements to move the plot forward they just lash out a freaking filler episode.That's the part where the writer needs to be ashamed of himself.

I mean,Naruto was good in season 1 and all but it became straight shit when Sasuke decides to be really really gay and he also wanted revenge.Yes i know that's his motivation but you don't need 10 consecutive fillers just to get to that part.I know it's exactly 10 consecutive fillers but AGAIN shut up I'm making a point here.Compared to a freaking Slice of life anime,a slice of life anime made me give a shit about the characters
even made me cry at one point,but i swear to god i watched Naruto and i tried to like it but at the point where there was supposed to be a tearjerker moment,It didn't even made me jerk a freaking tear.And this is coming from a guy who cried at toy story 3.
*Meh at anime's that have 100 episodes*
I guess you fanboys don't get worked up with this.It's like you guys just look at one direction and I'm the only one who decides to look the other way when things turn to shit.But then again fanboys are fanboys right?If they are a fan of something they will LIKE it even if it's shit.And here comes those 100 consecutive hate mails,i guess its better than 100 consecutive fillers right? (LOL)

Anyway i wish that answer your burning questions.
Now i think there is someone outside my house trying to think which window to break and get inside my house,A fanboy most likely.(LOL again).Well then that's all i guess.


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