Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Anime Reviews:Hidan No Aria

So,its been a long time....
yeah i just finished another anime,AGAIN and so im making a review about it!

Information About The Anime:
Title: Aria the Scarlet Ammo, Hidan no Aria
Type: TV, Episodes 12
Year: 2011
Status: Complete
The story takes place in Tokyo Butei High School, a special school where armed detectives — “Butei” — are trained to use weapons. Kinji Tooyama is a second-year-student who has a special ability, but he keeps it a secret to maintain an ordinary, peaceful life. However, when he gets caught in a bombing on the way to school, he encounters H. Aria Kanzaki, the most powerful S-Rank Butei student in Assault Studies.

Genres: Action, Comedy, Romance, School,

So yeah,this is one of your usual 12-episode series,yes another GREAT anime not getting any attention
instead the attention goes to the BULLSH*T class anime's.
Like F*CKING Naruto and Bleach yeah LAMER than LAME, I KNOW RIGHT?!
hmmm,so this anime features high-school students who can HOLD and SHOOT guns,it sounds like Angel Beats all over,but not to worry its not a rip-off,it features an obvious Tsundere Character Named Aria
and of course a boy main character named Kinji,and of course since the series has a tsundere character on it
you will most likely know what will happen always,of course the unforgettable fanservice is in this anime

-yeah i think this one is obvious
2.Tons of Fanservice
-from anywhere and from everyone..just joking,only from girl characters
-yeah...another one right?...well atleast the guy is not much of a pushover
-damn,the story needs to be stretched a little or MORE atleast
 5.Epic Action Scenes
-always expected from an action anime right?...dont expect a boring fight scene from this anime.
6.guns(without the magnitude of the word GUNS)
-yeah i just saw handguns and one sniper rifle from this one

1.Op and Ed 8/10 - i think the OP and ED songs are Decent enough just decent though
2.Story         8/10 - well its not much of a GREAT story it was so SHORT the characters were not introduced properly i think,the other characters were not introduced enough especially the girl with the sniper rifle in the image above.
3.Artwork 8.9/10 -at some points of the anime,Kinji did not portray his emotion that much,like when he's mad he doesn't look like hes angry at all,re-watch it and look at his emotions and you'll see
4.Animation 10/10 - the guns look certainly CG'ed and the slow motion shots were AWSOME.
5.Concept  7.9/10 -not very original though,as there were too many high school student shooter anime's out there,most likely this one copied the concept for it.

So This Anime:
Pass or Fail?
-its a Pass,but if you don't like the tsundere characters then...i guess this is not the show for you
but you should try it,you'll never know if you dont try right?

Handle With Care ----->(

on a side note...
it looks like this anime will have another season(so stay tuned i guess)

Well Thats All For Today Folks!



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