Thursday, March 8, 2012


Dear anime gods whatever creation you made over here is fucking disgusting.I know it will look good to some people but screw those "some" people because they are clearly not otaku enough to know where to DRAW the LINE.

Here's an example:

Yeah SOME people will say that they look MANLY but that's not manly.What's manly is this


Some might get really annoyed and send me E-mails later but screw those guys.
Why do they try to MAKE THEM LOOK REALLY GOOD?! What's good is KYON'S face! Those characters up there isn't!

Seriously why do they try so hard to make them look good? As a result they look gay and the characters, what the hell.Why is it that they always HAVE the SAME set of CHARACTERS (I.E The silent one,The I LOOK SO GOOD AND AWESOME, etc etc)
And the FANS! What the hell?! Can't get to any arguments with them because they will disregard your point and never consider what you say.

Here are some things to remember if it's bishounen or not.
1) Eyes: Men and women's eyes should look different, stop freakin' confusing me
2) The Bikini Test: Imagine a bishonen character in a bikini, if it suddently looks like a hot chick, it has gone severely overboard.
3) Voice Actor: If the character is being voiced by an alto woman and the character is over 12 or 13, then its too much
4) Build: Men are built differently than women.  I'm not saying that all characters need to be covered in muscles, but please give them slightly more girth than an anorexic 14 year old girl.
5) Body Hair: Unless they're professional swimmers, most men don't shave anything above their forehead and below their neck.
6) Number of Roses: Real men don't pack flowers unless they can be used as some sort of weapon.

I know something like the bishounen genre will never die because of the amount of idiotic fans who will never know a good anime if it didn't bit them in the ass and HOW will manga makers KNOW?! If someone didn't point things out.Okay okay, I know not all bishounen anime's don't actually look like this but If it looks something like that picture above then I will print out the picture and RIP IT and TEAR IT to SHREDS and I will burn it in the DEPTHS OF FLAMING HELL.


All annoying gay characters aside.My point is that when you try to make a character look good, please don't go overboard on the eyes and the whole freaking FACE because it will make him LOOK GAY.

Well that's all for now

1 comment:

  1. You do realize most gay people in real life are not feminine-looking? Not only that, but what gives you the right to decide what a 'real man' is? Bishonen, in Japan, are considered vastly more attractive than manly men. Furthermore, if a man likes flowers, why should he not be allowed to embrace the love without fear of ridicule? Why do you have such a homophobic reaction to pretty men? All in all, you seem an immature brat.
    (And before you accuse me of being a woman defending my 'precious bishies', I am male.)



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